Creation of an accessible RGAA website for Pass Culture, government organisation

Federating a
diverse community

around a
cultural portal
Pass Culture
What we create.
Project type
  • Brand Content
  • Website
  • Art
  • Copywriting
  • UX Design
  • Art Direction
  • WordPress development

The brief

As part of the overhaul of its website, Pass Culture – a cultural scheme introduced by the government – wanted to develop a modern, accessible digital environment capable of promoting its offer to its many target audiences. The Bien-Fondé agency is bringing all its creative and technical expertise to bear on this educational and digital challenge.

The challenge

How do you create a digital platform aimed at all the audiences involved in the Culture Pass offer?

Our answer :

  1. 01. Collaborative workshop sessions
  2. 02. A website for all audiences
  3. 03. Art direction that enhances the content

Collaborative workshop

To design the project, collaborative workshop sessions are organised, encouraging co-construction between the agency and Pass Culture teams. These brainstorming sessions provide an in-depth understanding of the target audience's needs and expectations.

Through these workshops, particular attention was paid to the development of personas, ensuring that the platform addresses the entire audience concerned by the device, in a relevant manner. User journeys were also materialized to map the different actions that a user performs when connecting to the platform.

Following this first phase, the agency was able to present a tree structure proposal, combined with meticulous UX design work. User tests were then carried out to adjust and refine the interface, in order to offer simplified navigation and a unique experience for each target: cultural actors, young people, parents, elected officials, socio-educational partners, teachers, press and talents.


Art direction that enhances the content

On the artistic direction side, our team proposed a new, more modern graphic charter, bringing a touch of freshness to the site. The challenge was to design a visual universe that combines the institutional aspect of the device while using the codes of the younger generation.

Emojis and a gradient color palette have been integrated to captivate all audiences.

For each page of the site, a design-writing work was also carried out, to carefully examine the presentation of the offer. The tone adapts to each target in order to ensure an emotional connection with the users, thus reinforcing the link and the benefit provided by the cultural device.


A website that brings together all audiences

The priority of the project was to develop an digital environment that is inclusive and accessible to all users. To achieve this, particular attention was paid to compliance with RGAA criteria and standards, including several key aspects. These include contrasts, readability, logical structuring and compatibility with assistive technologies.

The site also integrates an API, Zendesk, which allows you to import existing FAQ content onto the new version of the new site.


We put all our expertise at your service in order to carry out well-thought-out and well-executed projects alongside you. We look forward to meeting you.

Brief us

Bien Fondé agency pays the greatest attention to your personal data and undertakes to protect them, so that their collection and processing, carried out from this site, complies with law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended relating to data processing, files and freedoms as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 applicable on May 25, 2018. These data are not transmitted to third parties and their retention period is limited to 13 months from the date of collection. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.